
Why a Power of Attorney Document is So Vital

Disability and incapacitation can strike any of us at any time. Spending a couple of weeks "getting your affairs in order" is frequently not an option.  Failing to do so can cause enormous financial and legal problems for you, your loved ones and the people trying to...

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Assets that Can Be Put into a Revocable Living Trust

In preparing for the possibility of mental incapacity, people who create a revocable living trust are not done with their estate planning after they sign the trust. After the agreement is signed, it is necessary to fund it with assets. There are several types of...

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Six Most Common Errors Medicare Enrollees Make

Choosing the right Medicare plan is one of the most important decisions you have to make as a senior. Since there are hundreds of policies to consider when choosing, and an overabundance of information to plow through with each one, most people just get frustrated and...

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How to Handle Spousal Coverage for Your Staff

While the Affordable Care Act requires employers to offer coverage for employees' adult children until the age of 26, it does not require them to offer coverage to their workers' spouses. As employers try to balance the costs of offering health coverage, spousal...

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How to Access Medicare’s Free Diabetes Prevention Program

If you are on Medicare and have recently been diagnosed with prediabetes, you may qualify to participate in the Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program. This program, MDPP for short, is designed to help seniors delay or prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes and stave off...

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Drivers Expect Too Much from Car Safety Technology: Study

A study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety has found that too many drivers are unaware of the safety limitations of the advanced driver-assistance systems in their vehicles. As a result, they are taking for granted that these systems will always warn them or...

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Chronic Conditions Driving Health Care Costs

A new report has found that the top driver of health care costs in the U.S. is chronic conditions, emphasizing the role that employers can assume in helping their employees better maintain these ailments. Chronic diseases are a major strain on the health care system,...

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Annual Insurance Reviews are Crucial to Growing Businesses

One of the biggest mistakes owners of growing businesses make is not keeping up their insurance coverage to account for the expanding assets and potential liabilities. Let's say you started your business 10 years ago with just a small space and computer desk. Today,...

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As Construction Rebounds, Double Down on Safety

Employment in the construction industry is surging as pent-up demand means that more homes are being built at a brisk pace. But this new growth in housing has come at a price for those working in the industry: a significant jump in construction workplace deaths and...

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