
How to Protect Your Tools, Equipment Against Theft

One of the biggest headaches for contractors is equipment and tool theft, as thieves regularly raid worksites after hours or steal tools from parked vehicles. They can make away with tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment, and in serious cases it can result...

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Getting Buy-in from Managers on Workplace Safety Programs

One of the keys to instituting a good safety program is to get management and supervisor buy-in. You need their support and belief in the system if you are to convince your employees to embrace your safety regimen. If your managers don't believe in the safety plans...

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Would Your Firm Sink or Swim in a Crisis?

As the COVID-19 pandemic and the increasing threat of natural disasters have shown us, disaster can strike suddenly. Crises can take many forms, like the death of an owner, one of your products causing death or injury, or an earthquake damaging your building, forcing...

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Is Your Business Doing Enough to Prevent Workplace Violence?

Violence in the workplace is a growing problem for which many U.S. employers are unprepared. Business owners may believe that their workforces are like families and that a violent outburst could never happen at work. They may also think that they have adequate...

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Your Cheat Sheet for International Roadcheck

The 2024 International Roadcheck — a high-visibility, high-volume inspection and enforcement effort conducted by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance — is slated for May 14-16.During this annual three-day event, CVSA-certified inspectors fan out across the United...

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How to Prevent Silica Exposure in Construction

There are a number of construction segments that are exposed to crystalline silica, which can cause silicosis and even death.Workers who typically have the largest exposure to silica include those in:Cement and concrete or stucco operations,Abrasive blasting,Jack...

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8 Forklift Mishaps and How to Avoid Them

Forklift trucks can be dangerous if they are not operated with care, and it is essential that employees who drive them adhere to safe standards of operation. According to the National Safety Council, forklifts were the source of 73 work-related deaths in 2022 in the...

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Home Hardening That Can Earn You Premium Discounts

Under regulations implemented by the California Department of Insurance in 2022, insurers, when pricing policies, are now required to take into account homeowners' efforts to harden their properties as well as local communities' efforts to reduce their overall...

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New Test Ranks Top 10 Most Aggressive Dog Breeds

One scenario a pet owner dreads is if their pooch suddenly lashes out and bites someone. A bite can come outside the home or if you have people visiting, and it can become a liability for you if it's a serious bite. Many insurance companies won't insure your home if...

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